Smart Contracts

Relevant Contract Addresses

EVRY Token: 0xC2d4A3709e076A7A3487816362994a78ddaeabB6

VELO Token: 0x3c8EC1728C080f76dc83baA5d51A0cC367B4A35F

EVRY_BNB LP Token: 0xfcd4bbdc95da7b749adab99133a846e9cc4226b8

BUSD_BNB LP Token: 0x526357ef8304ce6cd46689aa0f9abf642a40b802

XLM_BNB LP Token: 0xF20aDd7CD1beaAf0CC6Ddd0EbE29060E5e20afFA

USDT_BUSD LP Token: 0x8d5B39B8EBAC7f3404AF73688f352b05C835cEEA

AMM Factory: 0xa328180188a30feF1d82c9FC916E627DB6E17238

AMM Router: 0x296B7C203E2C7306b132F2D5aD66106Bb7665C46

DMM Factory: 0x31F078c3c786B97B99aFb2906d7f6022A3407890

DMM Router: 0x345617dD29a12e836AeBc936CA0ca59cCd22fB69

Timelock: 0x42af0b2a3626CcDfE1121b9CC902442c7e79bC7a

There are three main components of the smart contract as outlined below

DMM Router:

  • The main smart contract that serves all users’ and providers’ transactions.

  • There are three main functions that will be executed and written in the DMM Router

    which are:

    • to add liquidity

    • to remove liquidity

    • to swap tokens

  • For the first time when a user uses a DMM Router, the user has to approve the router to transfer tokens to execute transactions; future transfers will not need this approval

  • To add liquidity, the amount of the token pairs will be added to the pool and users will receive LP tokens back. This LP token is called EF-DMM-LP token. The fee for swapping will be shared between liquidity providers and Evry.Finance decentralized exchange platform at a ratio 1 to 4/

  • To remove liquidity and retrieve the tokens back from liquidity pools, users will remove the EF-DMM-LP token and transfer back to their wallet address the amount of tokens they added. The price will be adjusted to the price level at the time of execution.

DMM Factory:

  • Allows for the creation of pools. Admins are able to create pools for traders to swap tokens and for providers to provide the liquidity of the pool. Only authorized addresses with admin permissions will be able to create pools.

  • Allows for Fee configuration. The swapping fee and governance fee can be configured only by authorized addresses. Changes are not immediately and any change will be notified to all users including liquidity providers, and trades. Changes will only be executed after some time has passed.

User management

  • A super admin will be assigned to the deployed contract to control all liquidity pools and allow for configuration and other functionality of the system.

Last updated