Creating a wallet

Step 1: Install Metamask in Chrome/ Brave Browser

1.1 Go to MetaMask then click Download

1.2 Select Install MetaMask for Chrome

1.3 When Metamask start screen appears, choose "Get Started"

Step 2: Create an account on MetaMask.

2.1 Click on the “Create a wallet” button

2.2 Create a password that consists of at least 8 characters (important to not lose this!)

2.3 Metamask will show a video tutorial on how to secure the wallet which involves usage of recovery phrase. After finishing, click “Next”.

2.4 Metamask will give you a 12 keywords called Secret Backup Phrase.

*This Secret Backup Phrase is very important, in case you are logged out and forgot your password, you can use it to recover your wallet. If you lose the Secret Backup Phrase, it means you will lose your wallet as well as all assets in the wallet forever! Therefore, please take a picture or note it down carefully*

After saving these 12 words, click “Next”.

2.5 Select each word in the order of the previous 12 words then click “Confirm”.

2.6 Click “All Done” to finish the installation.

Last updated