

Swap is a simple way to trade or exchange tokens via liquidity pools.

In Velo Finance, with AMM, regardless of the price stability between the assets in the pool, AMM has the same price curving and fee structure. DMM with dynamic fee factor will be applied in trades, which is added to reserves. This functions as a payout to Liquidity Pools (LPs), LP fee is increased when the market is moving fast and is reduced when the market is stable.

Manipulate pool

The Exchange function at Velo Finance is based on the concept of "liquidity". With Liquidity Pool, users can add liquidity for any token pair by staking. Thus, you can receive both profit from trading fees and earn EVRY reward by staking the LP Tokens you will be provided after adding liquidity.

In Velo Finance, users can view AMM, DMM pool lists and add/remove liquidity can be applied for a user - friendly experience.

Yield farming

Yield farming means that users use their assets to find the maximum profit by becoming a liquidity provider at DeFi. Yield farming allows users to earn more reward after providing liquidity in the pool. Users can deposit an LP token, claim reward and withdraw from the farm with extra profit.

Yield farming is closely related to AMM. Loans are offered from liquidity providers and this action is executed through the pools.

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